Glasya z Peronówki
International Dog Show - 2013.01.06 Bordeaux (France)
6-year-old Glasya z Peronówki is in perfect condition. At the international dog show in the French Bordeaux, despite numerous competitors and the fact that she just had a litter, Glasya showed her class. She do not only won the champions and became Best Female and CACIB, but she also reached once again the highest trophy - she won Best of Breed (BOB).
2007.12.07 - XLIV Exposición Nacional Canina - Alicante (ES)
Glasya z Peronówki (BOB, CAC,BOS) + Akéla z Kopáčkova dvora
2007.04.15 - Exposition Canine Internationale - Limoges (FR)
Furcas z Peronówki & Glasya z Peronówki
'G' z Peronówki
Gothmog, Geryon, Glasya, Gwaihir, Gader'el, Garuda & Gibil
Camio z Peronówki + Jolly z Molu Es
'F' z Peronówki
Furcas, Foras, Fenrir & Freyr
Botis z Peronówki + Merry Bell z Molu Es