2015.03.08 - International Dog Show - Drzonkow (PL)
Yesterday Jolly finished her Polish Veteran Championship. She made this title within 3 weeks at the age of...15 years...
Full results:
2014.12.31 - Alistair Wolf & Qilin & Gressil II & Dantalion II & Jolly & Jestan II z Peronówki
Alistair Wolf z Peronówki & Qilin z Peronówki & Gressil II z Peronówki & Dantalion II z Peronówki & Jolly z Molu Es & Jestan II z Peronówki
2014.06.18 - Późna (PL)
Barbatos II & Dantalion II & Alistair Wolf z Peronówki & Jolly z Molu Es
2012.01.27 - II. Międzynarodowa Wystawa Psów Rasowych - Głogów (PL)
Dark Srdcerváč & Jolly z Molu Es
Krajowa Wystawa Grupy I - Wrocław (PL) 11.06.2011
Dog show in Wroclaw is one of our favorites - a great area, fantastic atmosphere and the weather always "made to order". What more can you ask...?
Csw were judged by Mariola Semik.

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International Dog Show Prestige - Leszno (PL) 04.06.2011
Next dog show with presence of the dogs comming from the new generations and again we were swarmed with titles....
The title Best Baby get Vapula z Peronówki - she endured the hot and long waiting really brave... Only in the end she decided not to leave the show ring because it was so pleasant cold under the judge's tent....
2011.03.06 - XXIX Zielonogórska Wystawa Psów Rasowych - Drzonków (PL)
The exhibition in Drzonków ended (traditionally) with a huge success. And it is much larger because CsWs were judged by the Polish judge Anna Kochan - who is one of the few judges who decided to really learn this breed and assisted also by the special dog show in Slovakia. She really knows Wolfdogs very well and knows was it an advantage, and what is fault by them.
And it was visible by the results:
Best of Breed and Best Male became Eligo z Peronówki
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2010.08.27-29 - Późna (PL)
Jolly z Molu Es + Idun Imbus z Peronówki + Hammar z Peronówki
Czechoslovakian wolfdog tribute
Croatia: Alistair Wolf z Peronówki + Eligo z Peronówki + Balrog z Peronówki + Jolly z Molu Es
2009.11.08 - Międzynarodowa Wystawa Psów Rasowych - Poznań (PL)
1:50 Loray z Peronówki
6:03 Amber Wolf z Peronówki
6:16 Eligo z Peronówki