2004.09.04 - Slovakian bonitation in Peronowka (PL)
During the September meeting in Peronowka (which was a huge success) we decided to give other CzW owners the chance to pass slovakian bonitation. We invited famous Slovakian judge Sona Bogranova to this end.

Amber Wolf z Peronowki
23 dogs took part in the bonitation. 11 were presented during the youth presentation - less than the half (only 5) get the highest note "very promissing" - three of them were from our kennel: Alistair Wolf, Barlog and Banshee. Also our dogs which took part in the bonitation were doing well: Andariel and Amber get the note "excellent" and very nice bonitation codes. Unfortunately Anubis get disqualification despite of his great exterier - he must train a lot with his owner to improve the character, what is very hard, because in France it is forbidden to train protection work with a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog on the training ground....

Amber Wolf z Peronowki